Lineup of houses Wall

News as wing birds created to fly skyward, so and new model houses wall lift the quality higher in modern house construction.

These wonderful houses have comfortable area of accommodation and fit in surrounding landscape.

In one-story house Wall Dress (s 120 m2) is a special accent on convenience, practicality and naturalness, and in two-storey house on the hill Wall Street (s 165 m2) created sensation of space, full of light, air and calmness.

In cities we got used to live with high level noise, but in suburb silence is much more appreciated, here you want to feel the rest, relax from crowded streets. Easy air lattice from tree - innovation project from company lumi Polar for protection of the house from noise of the roadway. Open zone saves full privacy. house is full of sunbeams, but from the outside no one sees what is located inside the house.

Price for kit at home Wall Dress from 85 730

Price for kit at home Wall Street from 98 400